Maximize cloud data warehouse usage in the business domain of Tourism / Operations
Project Profile
OnPremise SSAS installation and PowerBI. Excel SSAS and new data. Many new data sources. Many data driven projects. Reconciling all this means climbing to a new level. To succeed with a scalable approach in cloud data warehousing with simultaneous office integration was the customer's mission! We helped with the appropriate tools to create processes, guidelines and possibilities to realize metadata management, DEV-OPS for data and version management for PowerBI. So that the organization gets the relevant reporting data and KPIs over a defined entry point, which it needs according to a rights system over data (RowLevelSecurity!).
At a glance - essential project data
Duration | From 11/1/2020 to 3/31/2021 with about 5 months of full engagement | |
Data and Tools | Market - Tourism Source • SSAS • Office/Sharepoint • Azure DWH Stack • Various external sources | |
Integration | Continous Data Integration for SSAS and Azure Synapse | |
AI Methods | Data Consulting |
Engagement Use-Case
Rebuild of an entire data landscape for the Azure Synapse stack incl. Data Processes/Roles and Quality Management
Client motivation / Solution aims
- Efficient use of Azure tools for a comprehensive data management between business and IT (DDO)
AI Approach
| AI key technology used in our solution ## Achieve maximum coverage for the use of resources for the realization of Big Data governance with the least possible change effort ## AI-Ansatz
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Solution Approach | Project Management in the BigData Environment (Agile) |
| Project Approach | Simply Agile |
| Project Type | Operations/ML Ops |
| ML Integration and ML Operations | • Operation Integration
• Azure Synapse - Datawarehousing
• Azure Data Factory - Data Wrangling incl. Notebooks/SSIS
• Azure Data Catalog/PurView - Metadata Management
• Power-BI Datasets - RowLevelSecurity
• DEV/TEST/PROD Processes with Data/PowerBI
• Visualization Excel, Reporting and Power-BI |